Welcome to my side of the fence. . .

Welcome to my side of the fence. . . Here you will
enjoy some good laughs, maybe some frustrations,
and hopefully (if I'm a good enough writer), a few tears.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Dandelion Lemonade

Dandelion Lemonade
I made this refreshing lemonade out of sheer curiosity and I have to say, it's pretty good!
To make it, pay your children a nickel for each dandelion and violet picked. This will cost you about ten dollars! Be sure your checkbook is on hand, unless the kids take debit, lol! Now wash your dandelions and violets in cool water.

Next, slice two or three lemons. We are only making a half gallon, so I used two. I may play around with it and use three next time.
Fill a clean, half gallon jar (I used a pickle jar) halfway with your picked dandelions and violets. My kids picked in abundance and we had a little more than half. I couldn't waste picked dandelions and violets, so I used everything! Place your lemon slices in the jar and then fill your jar up with water. Screw the cap on and set the jar out outside, in the sun. I know that's hard around Washington to have the bright yellow light, hence my lemonade sat out for two days, trying to soak up the hit-and-miss-rays!
After the lemonade has sat out for a few hours, or all day preferably, bring it in and drain your liquids and chunks through a cheesecloth or muslin. Squeeze out the dandelions, violets, and lemon slices. I'd show you a picture of me doing that, but I was so excited to be making the lemonade, I forgot to take pictures at this point! Add to your clean lemonade as much honey as you want to sweeten it up! Pour over ice and enjoy!

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