Welcome to my side of the fence. . .

Welcome to my side of the fence. . . Here you will
enjoy some good laughs, maybe some frustrations,
and hopefully (if I'm a good enough writer), a few tears.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Day. . .

 . . . was quiet and peaceful. For me, it was a reflection of Christmas past when Scott was deployed. For some reason my thoughts kept returning to that year and how much it hurt to not have him home. It's been five years, but I still appreciate just having him home. I relish my hubby!

 And we had a White Christmas! Wasn't much, but it was different than rain, lol!
 The kids, as done in years past, savored their Christmas Stockings.
They take almost two hours to go through it. I love that they appreciate it!
 Nina received footie pajamas, a robe, home design software, and boots. I asked to take her picture and this was the cheesy look she just had to give me. . . I warned her not to do it, or I would blog it!
Dominic received enough gear to paintball with a few friends. I'm proud of Scott's find: about four hundred dollars worth of paintball gear for only $100! Who doesn't love Craigslist?

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