It's that time of year when I go hog wild outside! In the pic above, you see my strawberries (an entire flat of them!), broccoli starts, cauliflower starts, cabbage starts, kale, herbs--parsely, cilantro, sage, oregano--marigolds, fuschia, lavender, and geraniums. I was able to pic up the entire flat of geraniums in Mossyrock for only six bucks! I was in heaven at the Mossyrock nursery. Originally, Scott and I went there to see the tulips, but they were still green; instead, Scott challenged me: what could I squeeze out of a twenty dollar budget? I was able to get the 24 geranium starts, the 8 fuschia starts, and 4 lavender for a total of 18.45! I have to tell you, I was pretty proud of myself!
One thing I always aspire to do is use unusual containers for gardening. I saw this weird idea in a Bloom & Birds magazine. . . you use an over-the-door canvas shoe holder! I had to give it a try for my herbs. The shoe holder put me out about ten bucks and I grabbed the herbs at the Scattercreek Nursery round the corner from me. . . I went on last Wednesday's Ladies Day, so I got 15% off my sale. Covers the tax, plus some--can't argue with that! Anyhow (enough tooting my horn), I kinda loosely lined each pocket (shoe holder) with a plastic liner that I had leftover from another planter box idea from last year. You can get a roll of plastic liner sheets at Home Depot or almost any gardening store. I didn't make the liner super perfect because I wasn't even sure if I should be using it and I thought I wanted it to kinda protect the canvas from discoloration, but yet still drain.
Wa-La! My over the door, vertical herb garden!
I love using unique containers!
Last, but not least, I always wear out my rain boots with holes in the seams (I cannot find a good boot anymore!), so I figured why throw them out? I filled up the boot about a third way up with small rocks, then soil, then strawberry plants! Yes, I put edible plant/food in my old stinky shoe, lol!
Can't wait 'til next payday. . . get to fill up my old bbq grill with trailing petunias!